Упражнение 2. Present Simple отрицания с doesn't

Это упражнение поможет вам потренировать отрицательные предложения c формой doesn’t во времени Present Simple. Смотрите на утвердительное английское предложение, вслух произнесите это же самое предложение, но в отрицательной форме. Нажмите на кнопку «Показать текст», чтобы проверить себя. Если вы сделали ошибку, прочтите вслух правильный вариант. Выполнять это упражнение вслух очень важно, потому что это наиболее эффективно. Таким образом вы не только будете запоминать грамматическую форму времени, но и тренировать навыки устной речи. Выполните это упражнение несколько раз. Повторяйте его до тех пор, пока вы не начнете воспроизводить английские предложения без ошибок и в хорошем темпе. Также можно выполнить это упражнение письменно, а затем проверить свои ответы.

Helen lives in Leeds.

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Helen doesn’t live in Leeds.

She works at a big company.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t work at a big company.

This company sells computers.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
This company doesn’t sell computers.

Helen comes to her office at 9 o’clock.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
Helen doesn’t come to her office at 9 o’clock.

She sits in front of her computer all day.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t in front of her computer all day.

Helen likes her work.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
Helen doesn’t like her work.

She likes her colleagues.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t like her colleagues.

Helen likes to draw.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
Helen doesn’t likes to draw.

She draws portraits.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t draw portraits.

She has a cat.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t have a cat.

She likes her cat.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t like her cat.

She plays with her cat every evening.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t play with her cat every evening.

Helen cooks vegetables often.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
Helen doesn’t cooks vegetables often.

She watches English series.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t watch English series.

She watches series in English.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t watch series in English.

She lives in a big apartment.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t live in a big apartment.

She lives alone.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t live alone.

She often travels abroad.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t travel abroad often.

She likes to read books.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t like to read books.

She has many books at home.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
She doesn’t have many books at home.